Introducing Perpetual Points: Parcl's Ongoing Incentive System

Published on
March 19, 2024

Coming Soon: Perpetual Points


Season 3 is ongoing and remains in full force, but there’s much more to come in the months and years ahead for the Parcl Community.

This blog outlines the next chapter beyond the initial Points Trilogy (pre-PRCL). As such, Parcl is thrilled to announce Perpetual Points, an ongoing incentive system designed to engage and reward the most dedicated members of the Parcl ecosystem. The system intends to align further every member of the ecosystem, including LPs, traders, and core community members.

As always, loyalty and consistency will remain paramount, with HOA holders and, soon, PRCL token holders representing the most valued community members and influential protocol users. Users who hold these tokens will be eligible for ongoing boosts, an opportunity to continue to earn Points at the highest rates.

The Parcl network has made tremendous strides in its vision to become the global ecosystem for real-time real estate pricing and liquidity. The purpose of the perpetual incentive program is to supercharge scaling efforts by improving the experience for LPs and traders alike, enhancing platform liquidity, and encouraging developers to build valuable products on top of Parcl. In doing so, the Parcl ecosystem can become the global standard for real-time real estate. The market opportunity is in the trillions and Parcl is the first to market with novel products to capitalize on it.

Below is what you need to know about the framework for Perpetual Parcl Points. Further specific details will be provided in the coming weeks.

Perpetual Points Overview:

Perpetual Points will kick off after Season 3 concludes and extend into the foreseeable future. Here's what you can expect:

Seasonal Rollouts

  • Perpetual Points will begin in early April. The Points Front-End (FE) will briefly be under construction and relaunch shortly thereafter. Any Perpetual Points accumulated will be reflected once the front end (points page) resets.
  • Parcl Limited will conduct periodic distributions of network incentives based on Points positioning, with the counter resetting with each season.
    • The first - and largest - distribution of network incentives to Perpetual Points participants is expected in the 2nd half of 2Q24. Ongoing distributions will be claimed via Parcl Limited.

Continued Earning Opportunities

  • Points for activity on Parcl will persist for both LP and Trading. Specific actions and denominations will be communicated ahead of each perpetual season.
    • Season One rates will be shared at the appropriate time. Participants should expect some changes to how Points are earned. Note that LP points will be higher than any previous season.


  • Loyalty/Consistency boosts will continue in Perpetual Points.
  • Any boosts earned via Season 3 will apply in the first Season of Perpetual Points.
  • Eligible HOAs will continue to earn Points boosts for each HOA they possess.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Perpetual Points will initially be open to all eligible protocol users.
  • Staking (PRCL network token & HOA) will be introduced shortly following Parcl Limited's initial distribution of PRCL.


  • When you refer someone to Parcl, you'll continue to receive 10% of the Points they earn while they enjoy a 5% boost on their Points forever.
    • Referrals are migrating to token-only (HOA and/or PRCL holders), however, adding an extra layer of exclusivity.

Stay tuned for more updates as the Parcl ecosystem embarks on this perpetual journey, rewarding the dedication and loyalty of Parcl’s users & community members. The ecosystem continues to evolve, and Perpetual Points are set to redefine the landscape of incentive programs.

Ready to Join the Action?


Please ensure to accept the Parcl Points Program Terms & Conditions, which are detailed here; agreeing to these terms is required to participate in the Points program. Please read these Terms carefully.

The information provided on this blog is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as investment advice or as a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. The information on this blog is not intended to be, and should not be, relied upon as a substitute for individualized investment advice. The company and its management make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information or opinions contained on this blog. Be sure to review all rules & terms that apply to this and any other contest offered by Parcl or its affiliates.

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